Happy Mother's Day to all of our lovely mothers!
Great Job at the Baby LB tournament today, Space Dragons!
Thank you for spending Mother's Day racing with the team!
Highlights from Sunday's racing:
- SD Blue, comprised primarily of our awesome and enthusiastic newbie paddlers, pulled some awesome sets & did not look newbie-esque at all (you sure didn't look like you had just 2-4 practices under their belt) - highlighted by a 1st place finish in the 200m qualifying round! Great job to our impressive first time racers & our vets on board (great job taking care of the boat, guys!). Very impressive, we are all so proud - hope you enjoyed yourselves & plan on participating in Big LB (July) & SF (Oct)!
- SD Red was able to advance to both the 500m & 200m finals, highlighted with 1st place finishes in all 3 of our 500m races to get the Gold. Great job team, manning up against some good competition from our very strong neighbors! Winning hardware is NOT what it's all about - but you all deserve the cling-cling we got for your team work & the great work & commitment at practice thus far! Let's keep it rolling, bring it up a notch, & only get stronger for even bigger challenges in Portland, Big LB, & SF!
Great job & thank you EVERYONE for a successful & fun Mother's Day!!
A few specific acknowledgments:
- Dr. Chen, the association, & all the volunteers that made the race happen!
- Janice, Denise, & co for arriving early and leading set-up!
- Deadra, Denise, Ceez, & Janice for coordinating the Subway lunch platter!
- Galen for important race coordination support & the flowers for our mothers!
- Brian for coordinating equipment!
- Equipment providers (all of you!) for providing!
- Brian, Pearl, Galen for submitting the rosters & waivers to the association!
- Tammy & David Lee for being such willing volunteers to put the team first if necessary - great teammates!
- David Knight & all the other photographers for taking pics!
- AJ, James, & Marty for some awesome steering & keeping us safe!
- Janice, Em, Joe, Sammi, & Wade for leadership & cheerleading from the bow!
- EVERYONE for great team-first & supportive attitudes, sharing of snacks & equipment, & everything you do to keep this team running & happy!