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May 1, 2009

SD Calendar....May!



Ms. May: Janet

Likes: Traveling, planning events, volleyball, sleeping, wobbly pop, meat, éclairs, chocolate, dancing wildly on bars, breaking boys hearts, good looking boys who are rich AND funny AND have a nice car.

Dislikes: Snorers, work, 10Ks, 5Ks, running, walking, kissing girls not named Emily, hairy boys, boys who are shorter than her, boys who weigh less than her, boys who do not have “high-earning-potential” or earn less than her, boys who finished their undergrad at a good school in greater than 4 years.

Janet’s thoughts on dragon boat racing: “Even though I have a stroke named after me, I do NOT air paddle. In fact, I can paddle for miles nonstop…but I can't even run a mile w/o stopping”

Relationship Status: SINGLE!!! Go get her boys…just remember her likes and dislikes…

If you think you are a match for Ms. May, you can meet her at Baby Long Beach Tournament on May 3rd. She even promised she'll wear something nice for you...

Dates of Importance in the Month of May:

5/1 Lisa Zhao’s birthday
5/3 Baby Longbeach Tournament
5/5 Rip’s Birthday
5/16 Tran’s Birthday
5/18 Grace’s Birthday
5/25 Janet’s Birthday
5/27 Devant’s Birthday