Better hurry now. ONLY a few SPOTS left, and once they are sold out...

Join the Space Dragons as we celebrate our epic 2009 with ONE BIG PARTY! If you are fairly new to the Space Dragons, now is the perfect time to experience Space Dragon Love.

Held this year at Bono's in Long Beach(Naples Island ftw!), we have rented out the ENTIRE restaurant. Yes, you heard right, a night of debauchery...err I mean Space Dragon Love will occur without worry of getting kicked out!

So join us on December 12th for an awesome night of drinking, glamour, drinking, games, drinking, fine dining, drinking, awards, drinking, wild auctions, drinking, the Pièce de Résistance - THE SLIDESHOW (speaking of which- submit your pictures to Janet PRONTO!!! No pictures no slide show) and drinking.
Mad Props to the donor who has allowed us to bring down the cost to ONLY $30. $30 for a private party at a happening restaurant? You've got to be kidding me!!! So sign up on the evite and PAY YOUR CAPTAINS.
That's right, pay the Captains(The lovely and beautiful Pearl and Tran- like you didn't know) $30 to reserve your spot! Last day to RSVP (by paying) is November 29, 2009. You snooze you lose!