Are You Coming Out To Practice? Remember To Fill Out Our Practice Polls

2025 Season Practices Begin Sat Jan 4th! ...
Check Practice Poll for actual practice dates.

Jul 20, 2011

SD Digest 7-20-11

Space Dragons,

1.  BIG LONG BEACH -- in 1.5 weeks!
  • Did you remember to pay your tournament fees ($40)?  That fee will include lunch for Saturday.  But we will have potluck on Sunday! What does that mean? That means you need to sign up to bring an item. Which means you are going to email Pearl after you take a look at the linked potluck list and figure out what to bring.  Still don't know what to bring? Email Pearl and she'll let you know!  Have you noticed the theme here? It's "email Pearl"! So if you haven't yet (probably because you're reading the entire Digest first), you should do it now.  You are welcome to bring other items as EXTRAs but we need to fill the items on the potluck list first.
  • Still haven't emailed Pearl? 
  • HEY Blanca / Brian / Curtis / David L / Devant / Diane / Eric / Esmer / Galen / Humphrey / James A / Jason / Kim / KMak / Linda / Neil / RhommelSheila / Steve / Thomas Y / Tom L / T2: WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? EMAIL PEARL and let her know what you're bringing.
  • Oh my, HELL WEEK in full effect! Are you keeping up?  Looks like lots of people are joining in the "fun"!  Keep up your own workouts as well but NO INJURIES!
  • If your plans changed and you can no longer participate, you NEED to email the coaches!
  • Email the coaches your weight and side preference
  • If you know someone who wants to be part of the festival, the SCDBC is looking for non-paddling volunteers in the loading area, let us know if there's interest
  • LOGISTICS -- final logistics email will be sent out next week, please keep the following in mind and plan ahead
    • Parking -- see the parking map here, all paddlers and visitors are to park in locations C, D, E and F.  Allot plenty of time to park and get to the tent!  Carpooling is a great idea
      • Do NOT park on the street.  You will NOT be allowed to enter Marine Stadium lots (A & B)
    • Equipment -- we are hosting 3 Ripple teams and college team Bulldogs, so please bring extra chairs so we can provide comfort for our guests
    • EQ drop off -- new this year, you will not be allowed to drive through Marine Stadium to load/unload equipment so please plan accordingly
  • If you have not paid Galen, please do so.  He is generously fronting over $3000 for all the jerseys!  Isn't that ballerific? Be nice and pay up!
    Each jersey is $21
  • This is a small local one-day tournament (by Arrowhead) but always a ton o' fun and a barrel o' laffs!  That also means only limited number of paddlers can go.
  • DEADLINE to sign up is August 7.  Sign up on the Evite!
  • It will come up very quickly!  So RSVP on the Evite now!
  • Going but haven't gotten your hotel?  Talk to Galen about roommates or let him know you've reserved a room.
  • We've made some modification to the rule for the frequent tardiers
  • Starting AUGUST, if you are late 3 times in a roll or 4 times within a month (yes we keep track), on your 3rd/4th time, you will have to do 50 pushups PLUS 10 burpees
  • Remember you also need to clean the boat if you're late and we have to clean the boat
  • Remember it's captains' discretion on whether you're late, so don't argue you're "only" 14 minutes late
  • We WANT you to be on time so we could be on the water on time.  On time means 7:30 AM, not 7:44 AM
  • Please obey all parking requests
  • Do NOT park on residential streets
  • Do NOT park in the small Boy Scout lot (next to the building) on Sunday mornings
  • Please let your newbies know as well
  • This is kinda important. Starting after Long Beach, Sunday practices will return to 9am start time.  But don't forget we will not have practice the weekend after Big Long Beach!
  • Wednesday and Saturday practices will remain unchanged.
  • Fellow Northrop team Splashing Flyers is having a get together for anyone interested in potentially going to race with the North American team in the Philippines next year
  • If you're interested or just want to hang/meet other paddlers, here's the info:
  • When: Friday 7/29, 8:30 PM
  • Location: Yard House LB in Shoreline Village

  • Dr. Chen will be getting together an order for the new Champion carbon fiber paddles. Scott Wu tested the prototype for this paddle. You can read his comments and view pictures of the paddle here. The newest version is slightly different and lighter. Pricing through Dr. Chen is $120. This paddle does carry the IDBF certification. Contact TK if you are interested in purchasing one!
So what do you need to do? Email Pearl! Email the Coaches! Pay Galen! Sign up for Lake Gregory and SF!

--  Your Captains