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2025 Season Practices Begin Sat Jan 4th! ...
Check Practice Poll for actual practice dates.

Feb 8, 2012

SD Digest 2-8-2012

Happy Hump Day Space Dragons!  It Digest Dayyyyyyyy!
Tic Toc ... March is just around the corner! 
Tempe Races are March 31/April 1.  Do you have your carpool buddies and lodging situations sorted out?  If not, email captains and we'll set you up with some bunk mates and/or put you in touch with teammates who live near you for carpool.  Like your privacy? There are still 5 rooms available in the Space Dragons room block at team hotel.  Check the Evite for details.
We still have room for more paddlers, so it's not too late to sign up and join in the fun!  Tempe is our season-opener and always a guaranteed good time for newbies and veterans alike. Sign up on Evite and bring out your friends, still time to get in shape!
Come with us to the land of rivers, big fat dragon boats, VooDoo Donuts, and more Canadian Geese than you can shake a stick at. Oh, and the tasty beer! (for kiddies age 21 and older)
We have a full boat of participants already, let's make it TWO!
June 9-10 is apprroaching fast, so sign up via Evite!

3.  2012 DUES
You know the drill.  Thank you for helping us make our registrations on-time.  We must register by May for all the season's events, including San Francisco Tournament and the YE Party! So do you part and pay your dues!  If you are not sure if you owe back-fees, please email Denise.  If you have issues in fronting the dues, pay in increments with a final payment Goal of June. Thank you for helping us keep the team running smoothly =)

OH Yeah! The Space Dragons Weekday Workouts are going strong! Email Devant for South Pasadena and Em/Galen for South Bay.  GET YOUR BEAST ON!
Who:    You!
What:   Board Game Night
When:  4:00pm, Sunday February 19, 2012
Where: Zina and Andy's place. 
Why:    Team bonding time! And do you really need an excuse to come hang out with your lovely teammates?  
Parking will be free for Game Night guests.  More details on Evite.
What to bring: Potluck-style snacks and drinks.  Bring some Scooby snacks for yourself, a little more to share. More details about dinner will be sent through the Evite.  Maybe also your favorite board game from home.  Perhaps a little cash for a Yogurtland run.  Or Little Tokyo bar hopping. (Oh My!)
That's just 12 days away, so MARK it on your calendar and save the date.  Then sign up on the Evite!
These are the new very slick looking dye-sub blue jerseys we started wearing at the end of 2011.  Want to see a sample?

Please review your order on the attached spreadsheet:
* If your order is not correct, I strongly suggest you email Galen to correct your order.
* If you want to order a jersey and have not, email Galen.  Orders will be put in SOON, so talk to Galen!
* Update/Order deadline Thu Feb 9!!!   That's TOMORROW for the Date-Challenged
If you are a member of the fairer sex, Marina is setting up the next Ladies' Night for March 10.  If you are not sure whether you belong to the fairer sex, believe me when I say that you don't.  Save the date!
-- Your Captains