Space Dragons!
Countdown to BLB: 3 days: Taper workouts, Eat well, Sleep well!
1. BIG LONG BEACH - July 28 & 29 DEFEND!!!
1. BIG LONG BEACH - July 28 & 29 DEFEND!!!
- Today is the last day to fine tune starts! come out to practice!
- Keep a look out for a Logistics email!
- Fees just $40! Have you paid yet?
- Did you sign up for potluck? Tell Marina what you are bringing! (attached signup reference)
- What is your Preferred Lee’s Sandwich?
* There is NO parking in Marine Stadium except by permit only! THAT MEANS it is highly recommended you carpool as you can only park in Boy Scout Lot, Mother’s Beach pay lot, or on street at the North end of Marine Stadium. That is lots C, D, E and F in this map!
* There is NO drive-up and drop off without a parking permit, make sure you give your large equip to:
Robert & Mayana
2. OC-2 TIME TRIALS for TI – Sun Aug 5
- Encouraged for EVERYONE!
- Look out for the sign up Link!
3. LAKE GREGORY – Sun Aug 19
- This is a fun ONE DAY local race and it’s coming up FAST! So sign up on the Evite if interested.
- In the past we have brought up 2 12-man crews, let’s see if we can do 2 18-man crews and genders!
- Fees low! ~$20 for 12 man crews, ~$15 for 18 man crews!
4. SAN FRANCISCO - Sept 15 & 16
- This is going to creep up faster than you think. So sign up on the Evite.
- We have a block of rooms for our paddlers. It is highly recommended to stay with the team so you can partake in the Sunday night shenanigans that will surely take place.
- Hotel Room Registration
1. Find your roommates, decide who is going to put down credit card info.
2. The person booking the room will go to weblink in your email
3. Enter Access Code: spacedb12 (left side of the screen)
4. Complete all the booking details.
5. The website will let you add more people to the room at the time of booking, or at a later date
5. UPCOMING EVENTS - mark your calendars!
- July 28 & 29 (Saturday/Sunday): Big Long Beach
- August 5 (Sunday): OC-2 Testing for TI
- August 12 (Sunday): Wahoo's Fundraiser, more on this later (likely also OC-2 makeup)
- August 19 (Sunday): Lake Gregory
- September 15 & 16 (Saturday/Sunday): San Francisco (TI)
-- Your Captains!