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Aug 26, 2013

Pre-TI 2013 OC-2 Results

I'm sure those of you guys who lose sleep over the time trials (ahem Kim) have already noticed the results up.  For the rest of you... find them here!

So again, new place, new times.  Don't beat yourself up because your time was slower than before.  This course is longer, which is GOOD because our goal is to simulate a 500m race in a dragon boat.  I know some of you boys are strong, but even a dragon boat full of yous wouldn't cross the finish line in under 1:50. ;)  Another advantage of the longer course is that the spread of results is wider, making it easier to differentiate paddlers.  If you're just barely keeping up with your carrot, you're going to have to work a little harder!

If this is your first time trial, or you just forgot how we use this data, take a look at some old posts:
I dream of.... Data! (how we digest a season's worth of time trial data)
Decisions decisions decisions... (how boat splits are decided)

To be #1, train like you are #2.