Every new season brings about change. Change is essential to improvement, so read carefully as we keep the good and make some changes for the better!
Good morning, Sunshine!
Based on observations as well as direct paddler feedback, we are moving back to the 7:30am practice time. Our paddler demographic is one with many life priorities outside of paddling (family, school, work, other athletic interests, etc). We hope that the early practice time will give everyone more time on the weekend for these other important priorities as well as make it easier for everyone to stay for Land/Core/FEAST.
Jan 5, 2013 - Season Opener!
Along this same theme of respecting everyone's time, here are a couple of our goals (and requests for your help!):
- Start practice on time. In 2013, there were many practices where we didn't push off until more than 10 minutes after our scheduled boat time. The coaches will keep a closer eye on the clock this year, and please help us by heading down to the sand as soon as you are geared up. We will be enforcing the PUSH-UP RULE again this year (15 minutes late = 50 push-ups!).
- Target duration for Land/Core will be 30 minutes, so we'll be out of practice and FEASTing well before 11am.
Special Boat will start in March, following regular practice on Sundays and replacing the Sunday core workout. At that point, Saturday land drills will incorporate core as well.
Changing of the Guard (but just one!)

Being a coach means volunteering many hours to the team out side of regular practice time, and being both a coach and a captain requires even more. So, Roger is stepping down as a coach so he can dedicate more time to captain responsibilities.
Chris Espino will be stepping up as a new coach this season. Chris has many years of paddling and leadership experience with both Space Dragons and Dragonauts. Please give Chris your full support as he learns the ropes!
Introducing your 2014 Coaches: Em, Rod, Devant, Lesley, Esmer, Robert and Chris, at your service!