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2025 Season Practices Begin Sat Jan 4th! ...
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Apr 2, 2009

I have an idea for Recruiting!

While some teams offer money, drugs, and sometimes even WO men to join their team, WE Space Dragons are different...we offer all of the above AND FUN!!!!

Okay, maybe just the fun, but hey don't let that stop you from recruiting them.

You know what? I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that THIS Sunday, 4/5/2009, is looking like it might be a good time to bring your latest recruits. I can't be certain but I think Sunny Weather, a fun day of paddling, fine dining, and fun games make for an excellent day to bring them out. Ohh hey look! Coincidentally, the Space Dragons are having their Friends and Family day! WOW! How convenient!

Young, Old, Small, Big, Tall, Short, We'd like them all to come out paddling...even if the only UV they've seen the past few days is the glow from their computer screen.

So bring them out and don't forget to bring all the extra paddle equipment you own. Plus, we need all those lovely waivers from all of your friends and family! All you trophy holders, shine em up and bring them out!