Ms. June: Jackie Lai
DOB: June 3rd
Hometown: Irvine, California
Likes: Tomatoes, traveling, tomate, rock climbing, beefsteak tomatoes, volunteering, grape tomatoes, passion fruit, vine ripened tomatoes, snoring, heirloom tomatoes, guys who know how to edit/correct her code, plum tomatoes, France, cherry tomatoes, Nancy, snowboarding, uhh did I mention tomatoes?.
Dislikes: Tomato eating caterpillars, video games, tomato eating bugs, Forgetting to pee, boozing it, keeping track of her brother's schedule/whereabouts
Relationship Status: Men of the world, watch yourself. Jackie's got a big bruiser of a boyfriend. Look at her funny and he may just go nutso on you! To see if you got a chance, she will be at practices this month as she gets ready to go to Vancouver. Swing on by and have a go at it - you can't say I didn't warn you!
Dates of Importance in the Month of June:
Jeremy Carver (aka Ron Jeremy or Jeremy Black) 6/2
Jackie Lai 6/3
James Liu 6/7
Denise Kaul 6/9
Vancouver Tournament: 6/20-6/21
SD Girls Only, Wine and Spa weekend: 6/27
Boys having fun: ALL YEAR LONG!!!
Happy Birthday Ron Jeremy!