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Jul 2, 2009

Mista July

Mr. July:
Scott "the Tsunami" Matsunami

Name: Scottie "Too Hottie" Matsunami
DOB: April 17th
Hometown: Cincinnati, Ohio

Likes: Kameron and Sammantha, L&L's, Fishing, Sammi & Kam, Bicycling, spending time with his kiddies, jazz concerts, marching band performances, talent shows, track meets, baseball games, his children, golf, maintaining cars, ziplining, working on his house, his amazing girth - of his wallet, women, his 2 greatest accomplishments in life - the lil Matsunamis...

Dislikes: White Devils, stupid people at work, when people make fun of his "simulated" hacking after race sets, 5AM telecons, people making fun of the amazing girth of his wallet, trying to sleep with his kids not home, jetsetting across America, lemonade, hidden windshield wiper buttons, punk azz kids not respecting their elders, rsvping and paying for Space Dragon events as only 1 person

Relationship Status: Ladies are you ready for this? Amazingly, this virile young man is single!!! This Cassanova is out on the prowl and is ready to tame any shrew, cougar, tiger, lioness that crosses his path. What are you ladies waiting for? Pounce on him now before someone else fact, I hear Ceez was calling him a "FILF"! (I as in Ceez, not as in me...did that make sense?) Come check him out at a Space Dragon practice near you! I also hear he also spends his free time helping those festival teams out there....

Important Dates in July:
7/2 : Jimmy Dinh and Yilin (Hsu) Wentlandt's Birthdays
7/3 : AJ Chan's Birthday
7/4 : US independance Day
7/13: Barry George's Birthday

Happy Birthday Jimmy and Yi!