I’ve always admired people who live like it matters. Stout ones who dive right in and straight up live well for themselves as well as for others around them. Ones who don’t smoke; who give back; who exercise and eat right; those who just plain LOVE. The individuals of the Space Dragons crew are no exception when it comes to such things.
Earlier this year, I decided to “be the change [I] want to see in the world” by not only doing something meaningful for myself by running the SF half in July with a few of our fellow SD/RFX paddlers, but for others by raising money for YouthRun4Run, an inner city youth running program managed by the non-profit organization Committed 2 Community (C2C). $500 will be my goal, but the sky's the limit!
I've realized that despite the wake of disasters like those in Chile or Haiti, along with the presence of global changes and a hardened economy, people helping their fellow people by thinking globally and acting locally no matter how large or small the gesture really does matter.
Please take a moment to consider donating to the cause I've chosen by visiting my fundraising page. Thanks much for helping take part in this experience in changing it up for the better. None of it really happens without the support of caring peeps like you. SO, whether you decide to donate a penny, a thousand dollars, or simply your time in reading this, I appreciate your support in helping me realize my goals as an agent of change in this global community.
--devantosaurus rex