Space Dragons,
Wednesday practice starts TODAY. Reminder to please DO NOT park on the street-- the entire dragonboat community is at risk for being kicked off Mother's Beach.
1. WEEKEND 4/10 & 4/11 RECAP
Thanks for everyone who contributed and helped at the yard sale!
Thanks for bringing out your friends & family, it was a huge success: 46 newbies! Please encourage your friends & family to come out to practice & participate in Baby LB (2.5 weeks away).
Great job to everyone who partook in Coach Em's 300m Challenge
RSVP your attendance on the BLOG or via email to us by WED @ 7PM (weekly) for weekend practices.
RSVP your attendance on the BLOG or via email to us by MON @ 7PM (weekly) for Wednesday practices.
It's just around the corner! Practice, practice, practice! If you have not already signed up, please do so via Evite. Potluck lunch-- sign up sheet available at practices.
4. BOSTON -- JUNE 12 & 13
Let's show the East Coast what a sea of Space Blue looks like! Encourage others to sign up!Please update Evite with your flight and lodging info.
5. BEACH CLEAN UP -- SAT APRIL 24 @ 10am
Our first event event since adopting Mother's Beach. Beach clean up to be held after practice
-- Pearl & Tran