Are You Coming Out To Practice? Remember To Fill Out Our Practice Polls

2024 Season Practices Begin Sat Jan 6th! ...
Check Practice Poll for actual practice dates.

Apr 7, 2010

SD Digest 4.6.10

Space Dragons!

Let's carry our Tempe momentum on through the Baby Long Beach Tournament (3 weeks away)!

1. YARD SALE -- THIS Sat 4/10 7 AM -- ~ 1 PM

Got goodies? Drop them off directly at the yard sale on Saturday (between 5:45am-7am). Or arrange with CJ prior to Saturday.
Where: Rockefeller Lane in Redondo Beach. Major cross streets of Artesia & Inglewood. We need helpers, let us know if you can help by emailing Denise!
Setup: 5:45-7 AM
1st shift sales: 7-10:30 AM (helpers get practice attendance credit)
2nd shift sales: 10:30 - end
Clean up: need those with trucks/vans/SUVs to help haul left-over items to Goodwill.

2. FRIENDS AND FAMILY DAY -- THIS Sun 4/11 8:30 -- 11 AM

Bringing guests? Be sure to have them complete the waiver and have them park in the lots (NO STREET PARKING). Potluck lunch served afterward (please bring a dish to share!)

3. 300m CHALLENGE -- THIS Sun 4/11

Coach Em's 300m challenge on her OC1. To be held either during or after Friends & Family Day (depending on #'s).
Email Emily if interested


Please see below for the remaining 4 tournaments and RSVP on the evites:
Baby Long Beach (May 2)
Boston (June 12 & 13)
Big Long Beach (July 31 & Aug 1)
San Francisco (Sept 25-26, 2010)


RSVP your attendance here on the BLOG or via email to us by WED @ 7PM (weekly) for weekend practices.
RSVP your attendance on the BLOG or via email to us by MON @ 7PM (weekly) for Wednesday practices.


We've adopted Mother's Beach! Our first team beach clean up: 4/24 @ 10 AM

See you on the water!
Pearl & Tran