Are You Coming Out To Practice? Remember To Fill Out Our Practice Polls

2024 Season Practices Begin Sat Jan 6th! ...
Check Practice Poll for actual practice dates.

May 12, 2010

SD Digest 5.12.10

Space Dragons,

Thanks to all the volunteers who helped out this weekend and during the week with the boat maintenance!

Please don't forget to complete the attendance poll on the blog
Only 4 weeks away from our next tournament!

2. BOSTON -- June 12 & 13
Attendees: $25 race fee payable to Space Dragons
Evite closed, but still interested? Arizona Gila Dragons is still looking for more paddlers. Email us for more info!

3. BIG LONG BEACH -- July 31 & Aug 1
Have you RSVP'd? Check the Evite!
Something changed? Please don't forget to update your Evite responses
Haven't been to practice lately? Encourage one other!

4. SAN FRANCISCO -- Sept 25 & 26
One of the most popular tournaments in the country!
It sells out quickly-- we currently have 2 boats registered--would like to bring 3!!!
Let us know if you're going on the Evite!

5. NEED EQUIPMENT?Ask Pearl for info on paddles and other paddling gear
Check out Stohlquist website on styles; we get discounted prices. Ask Tran for info on PFDs (vests)
Grey Owl wood paddles are $40, find your paddle size by trying out various ones at practice
Anticipated jersey order planned....let us know if you're interested

6. HAPPY HOUR -- Thu 5/20
Join your fellow Space Dragons for some food, drinks, and great company
Next Thursday 5/20 at Cozymel's in Manhattan Beach
Happy Hour menu 4 PM - 7 PM

Join Roger for extra fun & sun! Sessions are every Sat after practice (for biking) & every Sun before practice (for surfing). Details on the blog; please email him if you are planning on joining.

LARD 2010 Paddle Art Contest
-- LARD's 2nd annual contest
-- ages 15 to 24 welcome
-- entry form and details on Weekly Digest
-- Entry must be postmarked by June 4

Calling all Masters (40 years or older)
-- SCDBC is forming a Long Beach Masters team for Big LB tourney and possibly SF tourney.
-- Interested paddlers please meet this Sun 5/16 at 11 AM at Mother's Beach for a quick 10-15 min meeting.
-- Remember that we (Space Dragons) are having our own masters team for both Big LB & SF

National Team Trials
-- USA Kayak/Canoe is holding time trials for the US National Dragon Boat Junior, Senior and Master's Teams
-- Will be competing in the ICF World Championship Aug 27-29 in Szeged, Hungary
-- Time trails will be on Sat June 12 in Long Beach, additional info here

Much Love,
-- Pearl & Tran