A note from Nick, our First Friday regular:

If you want to see the bands live you'll need to buy a slightly more expensive ticket and buy it early! They sell out of concert tickets, but you can still listen and watch in the main hall. They project the show on the walls and you can dance among the dinosaur bones. Or you can dance with your fellow Space Dragons (I'm hoping Jackie does some more break-dancing) to the DJ's that spin all night long. There's so much to see & play with -- dinosaurs, whales, bugs, some gorgeous architecture, their brand new mammal rotunda, the list goes on.
For the Space Dragons social event, you can buy a regular ticket at the door (the "museum-only" tickets - $9 tickets). There are student discounts too. Parking is $10. I'm excited for you all to see it with me!
The Natural History Musuem is located at: 900 Exposition Blvd, Los Angeles, CA.
Parking is $10 so please plan on carpooling!