Happy Lunar New Year!
Mandatory Team Meeting this Saturday 2/5, after practice. Please review the safety rules in the attached steering manual, you will be taking a test as required by the SCDBC.
- Do NOT park on any residential street
- Do NOT park in small Boy Scout (closest to Boy Scout building) lot on Sundays
2. SOCIAL HOUR -- this Friday 2/4
- 1st social hour of the year -- First Fridays at the Natural History Museum
- The entire Natural History Museum stays open from 5pm - 10 pm and features musical performances by fresh and innovative artists., exciting scientific discussion, adult drinks, and behind-the-scenes curatorial tours.
- Go here to buy museum admission tickets ONLY http://www.ticketweb.com/
snl/VenueListings.action? venueId=19196 - Note: pool your friends together to purchase tickets to share the "service charge"
- Check out the blog post
3. TEMPE -- 3/26 & 27
- Have you or figured out your lodging? -- update your Evite response!
- Have you paid? -- $35 payable to Space Dragons + $80 2011 dues if you have already paid
- Have you changed your mind? -- No Flake Rule enforced 2/27
COMING SOON ... OC2 time trails! Stay tuned.
-- Your Captains