Are You Coming Out To Practice? Remember To Fill Out Our Practice Polls

2025 Season Practices Begin Sat Jan 4th! ...
Check Practice Poll for actual practice dates.

May 25, 2011

SD Digest 5-25-11

Space Dragons,

  • We are only 3 weeks away from THE biggest tournament on the west coast!  That means 7 more practices left!  Every practice counts!
  • Not heading up the the great white north?  Big Long Beach is only 2 months away!  It'll creep up very quickly!
  • Every team is kicking it up for the big local tournament, so ask yourself this: what am I doing to bring the A game?
  • Remember to fill out the poll!
  • For all tournaments, if you decided to back out for whatever reason within 1 month of the tournament, you need to email the coaches, not just change your Evite response
  • Alcan -- $35 race fees payable to Space Dragons
  • Big Long Beach -- RSVP on the Evite now
  • San Francisco -- Hotel reservation info posted on Evite.  Yes it's early planning but the rooms go fast, so make your reservation now!
  • Ladies Only, this will include any of our SD guy’s significant other.
  • What to bring:
    - a bottle of wine, cheese or appetizer
    - games, movies, etc
  • Marina's place. Email her for address.
  • Also, you can spend the night at Marina's and then go to practice together the next day!
  • See Facebook invite from Janet, SD social extraordinaire, so friend Janet now!
4.  SD BAKE SALE -- 7/2
  • What goes great with 4th of July BBQ and beach outing?  Cookies, cupcakes, brownies, etc.
  • This will be a great fundraising and team building event, so put it on your calendar!
  • Needed:
    • Volunteers to sell
    • Bake sale items donation (hint, don't want to do all the work?  You can buy cookie dough from your friendly grocer's freezer, drop it in the oven and viola, fresh baked cookies!)
    • Not a baker?  We also need non-bake sale items donation: paper plates, bottled water, forks, napkins
    • Let Marina know what (bake/non-bake items) you can donate
  • There MAY be a steering clinic before practice this Saturday or Sunday (yes, it's early) for Space Dragons interested in becoming certified steerers, stay tuned for details
  • Emily is putting together a family tree, so let her know via comment on the blog, Facebook, or email her who brought you to the Space Dragons

-- Your Captains