Are You Coming Out To Practice? Remember To Fill Out Our Practice Polls

2025 Season Practices Begin Sat Jan 4th! ...
Check Practice Poll for actual practice dates.

Jul 13, 2011

SD Digest 7-13-11

Space Dragons,

1.  LONG BEACH -- in 3 weeks!

  • So what does that mean?  Only 7 practices left!  Encourage everyone to come out
  • Keep up your own workouts as well but NO INJURIES!
  • See attached potluck list, email Pearl to sign up
    • Note that if you sign up for breakfast and snack items, you will need to bring the committed item/qty for both Saturday and Sunday
    • You are welcome to bring other items as EXTRAs but we need to fill the items on the potluck list first
  • Don't forget to pay your fees -- see attached spreadsheet on payment status.  If your name is highlighted in yellow, check what you owe.  All fees may be on a single check payable to Space Dragons
  • If your plans changed and you can no longer participate, you NEED to email the coaches!
  • Email the coaches your weight and side preference
  • If you have not paid Galen, please do so.  He is generously fronting over $3000 for all the jerseys!
  • Each jersey is $21

  • It will come up very quickly!  So RSVP on the Evite now!
  • Going but haven't gotten your hotel?  Talk to Galen about roommates or let him know you've reserved a room.

4.  BEACH CLEAN-UP -- this Sun 7/17
  • Same time same place -- after practice/core @ Mother's Beach (aka our beach)
  • Show your Space Dragons pride, wear your jerseys

5.  CARMAGADDON -- this weekend
  • You've known about this for months so we're sure you have a plan in place!
  • We've made some modification to the rule for the frequent tardiers
  • Starting AUGUST, if you are late 3 times in a roll or 4 times within a month (yes we keep track), on your 3rd/4th time, you will have to do 50 pushups PLUS 10 burpees
  • Remember you also need to clean the boat if you're late and we have to clean the boat
  • Remember it's captains' discretion on whether you're late, so don't argue you're "only" 14 minutes late
  • We WANT you to be on time so we could be on the water on time.  On time means 7:30 AM, not 7:44 AM

  • Please obey all parking requests
  • Do NOT park on residential streets
  • Do NOT park in the small Boy Scout lot (next to the building) on Sunday mornings
  • Please let your newbies know as well
--  Your Captains