Are You Coming Out To Practice? Remember To Fill Out Our Practice Polls

2025 Season Practices Begin Sat Jan 4th! ...
Check Practice Poll for actual practice dates.

Nov 24, 2011

SD Digest 11-23-2011

Space Dragons, 

If you want to make any announcements to the team, send email to before noon on Wednesdays.

Did you turn in your waivers? Because we need them. Waiver attached, please sign and get the original to us as soon as possible.  Any delay in getting the waivers may mean a less than ideal practice time for the 2012 season. 
Send completed waivers to Pearl at:
- practice
- NG folks not going to practice can mail it via interoffice to R5/2280
- non-NG folks not going to practice can snail mail it to: Pearl Fung
Please do this immediately, like right now.  At this very moment. You can stop reading here, if you go print out a waiver, sign it, and send it in to Pearl. But then please keep on reading. Because that's the nice thing to do.

Regular practice this weekend. Work off some of that bird!
Help us out here, we need to know EXACTLY how many people are coming, so fill out the poll now!  Weekend poll ends at 7 PM on Wednesdays (THAT'S TODAY!).

3.  YEAR END DINNER -- Sat 12/3
Time to get our boogie on!
We will also be having our annual raffle and auction! So bring your checkbooks/cash because (trust me on this one), you're not going to want to miss out!
So RSVP on the Evite now, friends and family are welcome
Note: deadline (i.e. No Flake Rule) was last Sunday, 11/20
Please pay Space Dragons $35/person
Festivities start at 6PM; please be on time and dressed to IMPRESS!

Join the Splashing Flyers and paddlers from other SoCal teams at the 3rd Annual SoCal Dragonboaters Bowling Tournament.
More Space Dragons representation definitely welcome!

MARTY SAYS...I have a friend here in Azusa who needs to hire someone well-versed in AutoCad to convert some hand-drawn plans for her.  If you are interested, or if you know of someone who might be, please contact me and I’ll pass on the interest. Marty's contact info is in the weekly email.

-- Your Captains