Your webmaster needs *YOUR* help!!
So it's no secret that the blog has been lagging a bit lately. I'll take the blame on that as I've been spread thinner than I anticipated between coaching and handling other Space Dragon duties--namely board stuff, OC-2 transporter guy, and being our media/video guy too.
In order to keep the content on this blog nice and fresh, I'm officially asking for help from the team at large. I'm looking for a few volunteers to be writers and contributors for the blog. Your responsibilities would be as follows
- Post semi occasionally to the blog. Frequency is up to you and also dependent on how many writers we get. The more writers to rotate through, the less each individual contributor would need to submit on an ongoing basis.
- On occasion, for specific events, be willing to be assigned specific stories to post. I.e. race weekend recaps, special event recaps (year end party, beach cleanups, fundraisers, etc.)
- When not assigned, content can be anything (PG13, appropriate and pertinent). Fitness tips. Silly trivia games. Links around the net that you want to share.
- I will generally do my best to aide you in supplying photos, but be willing to carry a smart phone or camera to snap impromptu pictures at events for use on the blog
- Aide in the collecting of paddler profile Q&As and collecting suitable images for profiles
If you're interested, please contact me over Facebook.
Thank you so much! The less I have to stress and fret over this, the more time I can spend on more killer race recap videos. Or your beloved time trial videos. :P