Countdown to TI!
1. SD SOCIAL NIGHT - Saturday 9/1
- Planned by our very own Curtis.
- No facebook? What, do you live in a cave? Go to:
Round 1
1600 S. Azusa Ave
Rowland Heights
September 1 starting at 7:00pm. For pool, bowling, karaoke, ping-pong
and video games. In other words, go for the shenanigans.
2. SAN FRANCISCO - Sept 15 & 16
- EVITE to sign up for the Big Show.
- Time to put up or shut up. Defending champs? Pfft. Think we deserve that title? Let's go prove in San Francisco and at every remaining practice in Long Beach. Only 2 more weekends until SF!!!
- Paid your tournament fees yet? $30 to Space Dragons and $5 to Zina for food fee to help RFX offset food costs.
- WAIVER (attached) – Please Fill out, sign and do one of the following:
1. Print and bring to practice
2. Scan/Digitally-Sign and email soft copy to captains
3. JERSEY ORDER – Last of the year!
- Last chance to (hopefully) get new jerseys before TI!
* Size (S, M, L, XL)
* Type (sleeveless, short sleeve, long sleeve, bike)
* Quantity
DO IT by 11:59PM on 8/29/2012
- Prices:
- Prices:
* Sleeveless and Shortsleeve ~$32
* Long Sleeve ~$36
* Bike ~$56
* Long Sleeve ~$36
* Bike ~$56
- If you have already ordered from Galen, please REVIEW attached spreadsheet in your email for accuracy!
4. SAN DIEGO RACES – Oct 20-21
- ~$35-$50/person for entering into 1-2 divisions.
- Lots of lodging with varying price range.
- Last year we had Space Camp! Some of us camped at local campground on the bay.
- Fun, unofficial tournament - last chance at competition in 2012!
- RESPOND to the Evite if you are interested!
5. SD POKER NIGHT – Sat Oct 27
- Save the date!
- We haven't forgotten. One push-up for each dollar owed. Did you pay up and get current on dues and fees? If not, we're coming at you on Saturday and Sunday!
-- your captains