Are You Coming Out To Practice? Remember To Fill Out Our Practice Polls

2025 Season Practices Begin Sat Jan 4th! ...
Check Practice Poll for actual practice dates.

Aug 29, 2012

SD Digest 8/29/12

Countdown to TI!

1.  SD SOCIAL NIGHT - Saturday 9/1
-  Planned by our very own Curtis.
-  RSVP on the [sp]acebook.
No facebook? What, do you live in a cave? Go to:
Round 1
1600 S. Azusa Ave
Rowland Heights
Saturday, September 1 starting at 7:00pm.  For pool, bowling, karaoke, ping-pong and video games.  In other words, go for the shenanigans.

2.  SAN FRANCISCO - Sept 15 & 16
 EVITE to sign up for the Big Show.
-  Time to put up or shut up. Defending champs? Pfft. Think we deserve that title? Let's go prove in San Francisco and at every remaining practice in Long Beach.  Only 2 more weekends until SF!!!
-   Paid your tournament fees yet?  $30 to Space Dragons and $5 to Zina for food fee to help RFX offset food costs. 
-   No lodging plans yet? Email captains and we'll help set you up, you slacker!
-   WAIVER (attached) – Please Fill out, sign and do one of the following:
1. Print and bring to practice
2. Scan/Digitally-Sign and email soft copy to captains

3.  JERSEY ORDER – Last of the year!
-    Last chance to (hopefully) get new jerseys before TI!
-    Please email with
* Size (S, M, L, XL)
* Type (sleeveless, short sleeve, long sleeve, bike)
* Quantity
DO IT by 11:59PM on 8/29/2012
* Sleeveless and Shortsleeve ~$32
      * Long Sleeve ~$36
      * Bike ~$56
 -    If you have already ordered from Galen, please REVIEW attached spreadsheet in your email for accuracy!

4.  SAN DIEGO RACES – Oct 20-21
-    ~$35-$50/person for entering into 1-2 divisions.
-    Lots of lodging with varying price range.
-    Last year we had Space Camp! Some of us camped at local campground on the bay.
-    Fun, unofficial tournament - last chance at competition in 2012!
-    RESPOND to the Evite if you are interested! 

5.  SD POKER NIGHT – Sat Oct 27
- Save the date!

-   We haven't forgotten.  One push-up for each dollar owed.  Did you pay up and get current on dues and fees? If not, we're coming at you on Saturday and Sunday! 

Did you Forget that Practice POLL?

-- your captains