Are You Coming Out To Practice? Remember To Fill Out Our Practice Polls

2024 Season Practices Begin Sat Jan 6th! ...
Check Practice Poll for actual practice dates.

Jul 14, 2010

SD Digest 7.14.10

Mighty Space Dragons,

Big Long Beach is July 31 and August 1. That is only 2 1/2 weeks away! Do you know what that means?! We have TWO WEEKENDS and TWO WEDNESDAYS before tournament time!

Help us help you! Fill out the attendance polls for practice.

Safety First! Make sure your PFD is on, zipped and buckled before getting onthe boat. And then check your benchmate!

Parking: Calvary Chapel thanks everyone for cooperating and not parking in the lot closest to the Boy Scout building so that their elderly and handicapped parishioners don't have to walk very far. Yay us!

Equipment: The volleyballers thanks everyone for cooperating and moving our stuff to one side of our little tree and consoidating our equipment pile to take up a smaller footprint on the beach. Did you know the volleyballers have been playing for 25 years? They're also the ones that donated the money to build those really nice benches along the walkway. Pretty neat factoids, right? They're very appreciative of our cooperation and it helps keep everyone happy! Double yay us!

Fitness: Dont forget Core and Land workouts after Saturday and Sunday practices. You already drove to Long Beach to paddle and get in a workout, why not stick around for the Core/Land workouts too? Rod works hard and is there day in and day out to help us stay in shape. Join us for some fun and a little bit of hell! Guaranted to make you a better, stronger paddler!

Deadline has passed, NO FLAKE RULE now in effect!

If you answered YES, pay careful attention here and do the following by Saturday, July 17:
-- Make sure you marked "Yes" on the Evite.
-- Pay your Tournament dues ($35) and your annual Space Dragons dues ($80) to Denise. You can pay both on one check. Please make checks payable to Space Dragons.
-- Email the coaches your weight and side preference. Yes, we know your weight is a top-level state secret and any further publication of it will be punishable by death.
-- Email Kat what you will be bringing for POTLUCK. Alternatively, sad single bachelors (like Roger), bachelorettes, and anyone else can just bring $20 to Denise for the potluck. If you choose the money route, please still email Kat to let her know.
-- Make sure you have filled out a Long Beach Tournament waiver and give it to Jackie. This is different from the regular waiver you fill out to paddle at practice. Waivers available at practice, find Jackie or Roger to get one to fill out. If the Coaches do not have your waiver by the end of Saturday practice, then you may not get to paddle! Why? Because we need to turn our final lists to the Association.
-- Come to all the remaining practices! We want practice using our race crews in their seating assignments.

Just a reminder for now: We're hosting Ripple Effect and GG Dragons (from Canada). It's gonna be a wild, wild weekend. Look forward to it! Be ready to put on your warrior faces and partying hats.

Don't forget the sacred blue jerseys. Veterans, please remember to bring any extra jerseys you have for newbies and people who might forget theirs. When we roll, let's roll with solidarity!

Want hardware? Hell yea, we all do! But guess what... so do the other 60+ teams that will be paddling at the Tournament. Ready to work for it and bring 'em hell?! Land/Core workouts available for you after Saturday and Sunday practices. Need fitness/workout tips? Feel free to ask a coach!

3. LAKE GREGORY (aka Arrowhead) August 15
Don't forget to RSVP for this Tournament. It's a one-day tournament and has always been lots of fun.

***NOTE: Digest incorrectly stated Tournamnet is on Saturday, August 14. Tournament is on Sunday, August 15.

Tournament is on Sunday; on Thursday night there will be a brilliant meteor shower. Though the shower will peak on Thursday night, rest assured that there will still be quite a shower to be seen on Friday and Saturday nights as well. Arrowhead will be a great place to watch it as there is little light pollution there. Wouldn't you like to shower with your teammates? Expect 60 meteors per hour. That's a lot of wishes!

For more information on the meteor shower, look up the Perseids meteor shower.

4. SAN FRANCISCO September 25-26
Have you RSVP'd? Hurry up and do it, because we all know you don't want to miss this one!
With only two boats registered, we only have 48 paddler positions available. How do you make sure you're one of the 48? Pay up!
Have you reserved your room? They're running out fast! No, seriously, there's only a small handful of rooms left. So don't be left homeless! That would suck pretty badly.
No flake rule applies after 8/15.

Oct 16 at Lake Las Vegas, 1 day tournament! That leaves you a whole day for debauchery in that certain quaint little desert community.
Gauging interest, please RSVP if interested.

Only certified steerspersons can steer during practices and tournaments. Want to be one?
Steering clinic on Sunday, July 18 at 1pm. Email Steph.

-- Pearl, Roger, Tran