Are You Coming Out To Practice? Remember To Fill Out Our Practice Polls

2025 Season Practices Begin Sat Jan 4th! ...
Check Practice Poll for actual practice dates.

Aug 24, 2010

O LAWDS! What's that now? no wai...!!!!

It's time for some good ol' fashioned DEBAUCHERY! Ok, it won't be so bad... not like EVO, amirite, Kam? We'll still be able to get up the next morning.. just sayin', Pearl. We won't take it too far, like the Circle of Love.. knowhatimean, Esther?

But it's gonna be a bona fide great time with the Space Dragon family!

PART 1: Friday

WHO: Space Dragons, friends, family, guests, you name it!
WHAT: Cosmic Bowl!
WHEN: Friday, August 27, 9pm
WHERE: Valley View AMF in Garden Grove
12141 Valley View Street
Garden Grove, CA 92845
WHY: Because it's been much too long since we had a Space Dragons social night. And do we really need any excuse to get together and have a little fun?
Cost: $17pp which includes shoe rental and bowling for two hours!
Guess what? First person who is not on the Board and not a Coach
to reply to this post with a comment gets their first drink on me. :)

PART 2: Saturday
Yessiree folks, it's time for a Yard Sale! Bring your stuff out and help us reduce our tournament fees and Year-End Banquet costs! Everyone wins; you get to clear out your closet and everyone enjoys a little bit of savings.

Just like last time, we're holding the Yard Sale in Redondo.

WHO: Space Dragons, you are needed to volunteer, help sell and help entertain!

WHAT: Yard Sale. Duh.

WHEN: Saturday, August 28, 6AM for set-up. Remember, early morning is when a lot of shoppers show up, so please come on time to help set up. We will likely be hanging out until early afternoon.
WHERE: In front of CJ's house.
Rockefeller and Perkins
Redondo Beach, CA
WHY: Seriously? You need to ask this still?

Please bring your sellable goodies. Bring some games (like frisbees and footballs and such), some snacks perhaps, and some water.

REMEMBER, THERE IS NO PRACTICE ON SATURDAY! So I don't want to hear any excuses as to why you couldn't make it to Yard Sale. Just as when we're on the boat, everyone's gotta carry their own weight otherwise you're letting down your teammates and making them carry you. So come one, come all!

Final note: respond to evites, please!