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Jul 10, 2012

Yard $ale!

[Editors note: better late than never!  This is posted on behalf of Raja] 

I don't think anyone will be surprised to learn that shenanigans occurred during the Space Dragons Yard Sale.  But we'll get to that in a moment.

First, the big news everyone - approximately $700 was raised over the course of one day.  Big thanks to all of the help the team received - Roger for organizing, James N. for hosting, Denise for running the finances, everyone who pitched in, brought out equipment and their donated goods.  Of course we must thank the early birds who got up before the glorious butt-crack of dawn, got down to Torrance to help set up, the many who showed up throughout the day to drop things off, help sell, hang out and finally pack and clean things up at the end of the day.  We seriously could not have done all of this without everyone's help!

Among the random items sold: one spare tire, one old air window-mounted air conditioning unit and these critters:

But what of the shenanigans, you ask?  Other than the normal goofing off, racing office chairs down the street, and other child-like antics we've all become accustomed to, we also had... well, I'm not sure how to put this into words. So let me just leave you with happy thoughts and this link, which is rated PG-13 so you may not want to open at work: NSFYS (Not safe for your sanity)
[Editors note: WHY!?  OH GOD WHY!?]

Makes you look forward to the next Yard Sale, doesn't it?